Purchase the Film

The film is available for streaming-only anytime through Vimeo and Gumroad. Rates are based on personal or multi-use versions. All purchases are marked to keep track of the number of uses.

A percentage of the purchases go to support the families featured in the film. Schools and Institutions can request a downloadable copy after purchase for their media libraries.

Please select the appropriate categories for your purchase. *These categories include the digital Facilitator’s Guide with the purchase of the film.

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Purchase the Facilitator’s Guide

The goal of this guide is to provide the tools to facilitate conversations that center the issues brought forth in the Las Madres de Berks documentary.

The digital guide is available in English and Spanish. The Facilitator’s Guide is a stamped PDF to keep track of each purchase and usage.

If you prefer a hardcopy, please send your request via our contact form.